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Great freeware ampsims and fx

Using freeware is a good way to get started and try out the waters when starting to use amp sims. With plenty of good freeware available there’s no need to invest big in buying software to start out and try playing with amp sims.

Here are some suggestions on freeware that we here at Guitar & Bass Amp plugins enjoy and that we think will help you create good guitar tones with your computer. (the items are listed in no particular order)

The Honest Amp Sims Reviews

Click on link to get the old HASR Free Pack 2.0 amps.

This was a collaboration by VTar Amps, Luan Albani, and Honest Amp Sim Reviews.

These are windows only preamp plugins. You’ll get the best out of them by using an IR Loader afterwards.

NadIR by STL Tones is a great free IR Loader… but there are many others available. See here for more about IR Loaders:

Other good freeware for the guitarist/bassist

This is by no means a complete listing, just pointers to some of all the good free stuff that exists and that can be a part of your recording chain.

Latest changes:
2022-01-18Removed Seacow Cabs since there are no freeware cabs on the site anymore.